Daily Archives: April 2, 2015

Practice Report – 4/1/2015

Pretty standard first practice of the season today.  I collected the players’ baserunning times and there was much improvement all around.  I definitely got a good indication of how the lineup is going to look based on these times.

For those unfamiliar with how to structure a baseball lineup, here is how I was taught:

1) Speed
2) On base percentage
3) Highest average
4) Power hitter
5) Contact with power
6) Contact with power
7) Average
8) Lowest average
9) Second leadoff

The team has just enough players who fall into slots 1-6. I have been fortunate enough to have found these hitters early and gotten them on the path to batting in these spots. We lost our leadoff and #4 hitters after the Fall season ended to Select, but I think I may have found some candidates to replace them in this lineup.

After baserunning times were taken, I wanted to get a look at my team in the field. They were rusty, but this was also the first practice of the season. I can guarantee you that the three new players are not used to a coach who has emphasized defense as much as I do. I saw a few players who were backing up from the ball as I hit it and were fielding batted balls off to their sides. There are still a lot of players who are afraid of getting hit by the baseball. As much as I can tell them to put their bodies in front of the ball, they still back away if the ball takes the slightest misstep.

After defense, I still wanted to get them into the right defensive state of mind. One of their favorite drills for as long as I can remember has been the reaction ball. I had them each take a round with the reaction ball with a new rule in place. The purpose of a reaction ball is to move your body to the baseball by moving your feet. Do not lunge, do not dive, never leave your feet. To reemphasize that, my players now must keep their balance while fielding the reaction ball. If they fall down, they are out. I did allow them to go to their knees, though, as this is a proper technique for fielding ground balls in the outfield.

Uniforms were handed out for the last ten minutes of practice. The shirts are teal this year, a throwback to the 1990s when I was playing (as I stated earlier). The issue is that I want them to wear their teal hats that they received last Fall since I think that the teal hats will look better with the teal jerseys than the black hats they were given this season.

Next practice is on Saturday for those who can attend (since it is the weekend before Spring Break for many of the families as well as the Passover holiday). We will be hitting with possibly some pitching and catching depending on who is there.